Encounter Conferences have, since their inception, always boasted masses experiencing the supernatural power of God through prophecy, miracles, healings, signs, impartation and activation. You will surely ENCOUNTER GOD and be transformed!
CAPE TOWN | 0A Langeberg Rd, Durbanville, Cape Town, 7550
SUN 06 June 2021 | 09:00 AM & 05:00 PM CAT
MON – TUES 07 – 08 June 2021 | 07:00 PM CAT
Prophet Leon Du Preez, as Founder and President of Encounter Church & Encounter Global Network carries a mantle and role of a Prophet within the body of Christ.
He has been recognized as a divine gift and endorsed by Senior Leaders, Ministers, and Prophets of Prophets. His God-given mandate is reaching millions across the globe, as he imparts a prophetic mantle to this generation.
When Stephan was nineteen years old, he encountered God in the most incredible way, whilst attending a revival meeting. He was instantly set free, delivered from many years of bondage and slavery.
Immediately responding to the call of God on his life, Stephan began ministering to all those he came in contact with, seeing the blind healed from his first time praying for the sick.
The theme for this conference is “Holy Hunger”, whenever there has been desperation, and a hunger for God to move, He always responds in the most phenomenal ways.
This conference is no different. As you join with us, make sure you come expectant and hungry for the Power of God, and to see Him move in signs and wonders.